I teamed up with 90seconds to help overhaul their site’s discovery and conversion channels, including navigation structure, homepage redesign, and marketplace pages. In all, we were able to increase feature discovery by 46% and qualified lead conversions by 33%.
Role Product Designer
Team Product Design, Product Marketing
Date 2017
Navigation overhaul
We overhauled the homepage navigation structure by replacing long lists of features under multiple menus with “mini pages” for each feature, surfaced within the menu while a visitor was hovering (largely inspired by Stripe). The current implementation of this navigation pattern can be seen live at 90seconds.com.

Homepage redesign
Leaning heavily on conversion optimization, we redesigned the homepage in many variants. The two shown below represent the best performing patterns.
Feature pages
As a multi-sided marketplace, investing in quality content pages for creators was a high priority. Locations and Roles represent two of many feature pages we created to improve market dynamics.